Thank you for your ongoing support of the efforts of your fire department. Providing the services you have come to expect over the past 30-plus years is why we are here. While we are all volunteers, maintaining equipment and trucks in good working order comes at a significant financial cost.

Our volunteers are trained to respond to natural disasters, fires, medical emergencies or other such events. We currently have eight fully equipped fire and rescue vehicles with equipment to meet the community needs, including a fire/rescue boat, which is equipped with a pump and water cannon allowing access to structures and grass fires near the shore. During 2023, RIVFD responded to 42 emergency events requiring 167 person-hours along with 501 person-hours of training to be ready for such emergencies.

RIVFD maintains an ISO Public Protection Classification Survey rating of 04/10 which entitles homes within our service area to a considerable (some discounts as high as 50%) homeowner’s insurance savings through many insurance carriers.  If you are within our 5-mile service area, ensure your insurance agent is aware of this rating so that you may receive the savings you are entitled to.

We are again respectfully asking for a donation from every member within our fire protection district. Will you consider helping us meet the needs of the community by increasing your financial contribution to the RIVFD this year? 

We welcome involvement of community members both on our Board and as firefighters. Please join us at the Community Covered Dish Suppers, normally held the third Friday evening of each month. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors and enjoy fellowship with them. You are also welcome to inspect our equipment and talk with our firefighters about any special needs.

Resident Info & Donation 2024

Owner(s) Name(Required)
Lake Address(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Emergency Contact Name(Required)
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Donation to the Real Island Volunteer Fire Department